Consultations: We conduct extensive community consultations with the aim of presenting recommendations that reflect the aspirations and needs of different communities.

Monitoring: We monitor the course of the negotiating process sponsored by the United Nations and other local agreements, and we produce reports on violations that could threaten the negotiating process as a whole.

Mobilization and Advocacy: Mobilization and advocacy that links people from the local, to the national and international level are the key tools for lobbying and mobilizing more voices and support to positively influence the negotiating process and ensure that the issues discussed reflect the needs of communities and Syrians in general.

Inclusion: Dialogue, diversity and inclusion are the basis of our work. Therefore, the inclusion of diverse Syrians voices and their participation in decision-making and the exchange of information is the basis for expanding our work and reaching as many Syrians as possible.

Our Goals

  1. Ensure the inclusion of diverse Syrian Civil Society in a legislative and democratic transition process.
  2. Channel the voices of Syrian society to decision-makers.
  3. Increase collaboration between stakeholders across different tracks.
  4. Create a common vision among Syrian civil society regarding the political transition in Syria.
  5. Support partner organizations’ to develop their capacities to contribute in creating a stronger mechanism of civil work for the platform.
  6. Exchanging experiences in mobilization and advocacy between partner organizations.